How are teams formed?
Players are assigned to teams using the following guidelines with priority given in the following order:
- Prior returning players to the same season team, if registered on time, unless otherwise requested. (please make sure to list your previous coach by name in your registration info, if you list something like "blue team" we won't know who you are referring to)
- School of attendance based upon the majority of the players on the team.
- Date registration was received (If you register late, you will be placed on a team that still has space. We will be less likely to accommodate special requests)
Please keep in mind that we may not have enough players from the same school register, for us to form an entire team from the same school. We usually have to place players on teams that are from other schools close by in order to fill the roster.
On a rare occasion, players may need to be placed with a coach that is from the opposite side of the river. This occurs when we have more coaches register that are in East Wenatchee or Wenatchee than we do players. What age should my child play?
Can my child play up? You may request your child to play up one year. However, our experience is most children are not ready physically for this jump. Please see our BIRTH YEAR AGE CHART
The system will not allow you to register your child in an older division, therefore you will need to register your child in their birth year age and then if requesting to play up, please input your request in the special request portion during registration. Please make sure to state the reason for the request. We cannot guarantee every player that requests to play up will be able to do so.
PLAY UP REQUESTS MUST BE MADE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION ON THE REGISTRATION FORM. Play ups are NOT allowed for convenience and will only be approved for players who demonstrate exceptional skill beyond that of those at their correct age division. Past coaches will be consulted to determine skill, and therefore U5/U6 and players who did not play for GWSC the previous season will not be considered. Even if a U5-U7 player played for GWSC, we do not allow playing up in those ages. Play ups to U9 or older, will only be approved with demonstrated skill that far exceeds that of the player's correct aged peers and may require an on-field review by our board members, as it is very rarely in the best interest of the child to play up.

* Please note the Birth Year age rule: your child's age category is based on birth year. (Example: If your child was born on 1/1/2015, you will register for U10. If your child was born in 12/31/2015 you will still register for U10 (under 10). AGE GROUP CHART
Can I play my child down an age group?
No, we are not allowed to play children below the designated age group provided by US club soccer.
Can I play my child UP an age group?
We will consider play UP for players aged U9 and older. Players will only be placed on an older team if we feel they are capable of playing in the older age division.Play ups are NOT allowed for convenience and will only be approved for players who demonstrate exceptional skill beyond that of those at their correct age division.
Can I play in both Rec and Select/Premier soccer?
No currently rostered Rec player can play on another higher level team. However, past Select/Premier players can choose to play at Rec if they are no longer playing at Select/Premier level
Can I request a specific coach or team?
You may request a specific coach or team, but we can't guarantee your request will be honored due to our team formation rules. See above.
Who Coaches the teams?
All of our coaches are volunteers. Every season we need parents to volunteer as coaches. Particularly at the younger ages, we need a lot of coaches because the teams are smaller. You may be asked to help coach your child's team. We will provide you the material and instructions, so you may help your young superstars. If no one from your team volunteers to coach, your team will not be able to play.
Why has my child been placed on a Waitlist when I registered him/her?
If an age division is full, the system will have you register to a waitlist. If a roster spot opens up, your child will be moved from the waitlist on to a team. This will happen BEFORE the seaons starts. If your child is moved from the waitlist, you will receive an email prompt notifying you that you need to log in and pay the registration fee. Please note: If we move your child from the waitlist on to a team that has had a spot open it, it is not guaranteed they will be placed with players from the same school, or the same side of the river. They will be placed on whatever team has has a spot open up.
Why can't I be on my Fall team? (This applies to Spring Soccer only)
Spring soccer is separate than Fall. Not only don't we always have access to other club's records, but we can't guarantee the same coaches and players will participate.
When do games start?
Schedules will be released before the season starts. All coaches will be notified once the schedules are completed and they will be distributed and posted on the web site. Fall season games will normally start the week after school starts and will run through October. Spring season games will normaly start after Spring break and go until mid-May.
When does registration begin and end?
Spring registration begins in January and ends in February.Fall registration begins in May and runs through June. Late registrations will be accepted only if space is still available and with a $35 late charge.
What are the fees for?
Registration fees cover our club's association fees, state fees, district fees, insurance, equipment fees, education for our coaches, clinics, fields, mailings, and other items.
Does the club provide my child's uniform?
We provide your child with a game jersey. We require you to purchase solid black socks and shorts. These can be purchased at Futbol Era across from Liberty Cinema in downtown Wenatchee. Big 5 Sporting goods, or other local stores.
When are practices?
Practices are up to each individual coach. You should hear from your coach no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the season. You can anticipate practices to start at the end of Summer for Fall soccer season and the in mid-March for Spring season. THE ONLY WAY TO GUARANTEE PRACTICE DAYS AND LOCATION IS TO BE THE COACH OF THE TEAM. We do not know days and location for each team's practice. Please do not put in special requests for the days you want to practice because we do not know that information.
What will our schedule be like for spring and fall season?
We will try to provide the game schedules two weeks prior to the start of the season. However, you should plan on playing games on Saturdays and another day during the week. Fall season games will kick off a week after school starts and end in mid October. Spring season games start after spring break and end in mid May.
Can I request a different coach or team?
You may request a different coach or team, but we can't guarantee your request will be granted. However, the sooner you register the more likely we can accommodate your request.
Are scholarships available?
We do provide some scholarships. To apply for a scholarship, please fill out our Scholarship Form and return it back to address listed on the form, along with the required documentation. Incomplete applications or those without the required documents will not be considered. Applications must be filled out and sent to the address by June 22nd, for Fall season and by February 20th for Spring season. Click here to download Scholarship Form.
Can I get a refund?
All refund requests prior to the registration cutoff date will be granted less a $10 processing fee. We don't accept requests after this as we have already incurred uniform expenses on behalf of your registered player and other association/state fees. As we rely on parent support, lack of a coach is not basis for a refund. We offer resources and mentoring for non-experienced coaches to be successful.
What are acceptable proof of age certificates?
Birth Certificate, Passport, Photo ID issued by the DOL.
Wenatchee Soccer Club
P O Box 3619
Wenatchee, WA 98807
*Please note: The Wenatchee Soccer Club has the right to suspend any player without refund for lying about their age.